√ Drainage (French Drain, Basin, Swale, Drainage Pipe, Channel Drain)
Residential: We design your best solution whether a French Drain, Basin, Swale, Drainage Piping, Channel Drain or some combination. Then we provide engineer sealed plans for permit and construction.
We'll discuss drainage options with you before we design your swale, detention basin, underground piping, channels, and grading.
We do all required calculations for mitigation, detention, and conveyance. We can work with your structural engineer and your architectural designer.
If preferred, we can combine our civil engineering with our structural engineering to provide one comprehensive solution under one roof.
This "Owner's Guide to a Better Foundation" link explains how to manage site drainage so it does not affect your foundation. It provides guidance on how to avoid and fix most drainage issues.
Commercial (Private) : For commercial sites we provide the same as for residential sites, but we can add culverts design and parking lot design with required accessibility and also with drainage connection to the local storm curb or ditch based storm water system.
Commercial (Public): Some projects may require connection into Manholes or RCP Storm lines located in the 'Public' Right-Of-Way work (ROW) requiring work with City Engineers ending with final Mylar sheet permit review. This ROW work includes getting sign-offs by AT&T, CenterPoint, and Comcast, etc. on Mylars required by the City Engineer's Office.
General Civil Engineering : You name it, we’ve done it.
….Mitigation, Conveyance, Detention, Retention, Sales, Ponds, Basins, Root Barriers, Sump Pumps, Cisterns, Rain Barrels, Bio-Swales, Geo-Fabric Filtration, Channel Drains, Gravel Channels, Curb Nozzles, Mitered Drains, RCP, Arch RCP, Elliptical RCP, Culverts, Manholes, Storm Boxes, SCH 40 Piping, SDR 35 Piping, Perforated Piping…
We have designed small and large detention and mitigation, from from small rain water cisterns to large underground storage systems.
One client's hilltop was converted to a 3D site using AutoDesk Revit
A commercial client's detention storage over a retention basin.
Our office was 6" above the Harvey flood. My house was 9.5" above. Many were not so lucky. We understand this and work to help avoid flood damage through smarter cost effective drainage and through very smart elevated structures.
We develop new drainage solutions for Houston's very flat sites